Doppelganger — Chapter 0 — Introduction

Jordan Cable
2 min readDec 9, 2021
The 2022 revised book cover art exclusively for Medium.
This novel, story, book and work of art is dedicated to my loving mother. Without her, I wouldn't have been born into an artistic world with my comics, my short stories and my musical endeavors. She is the reason I am still breathing and continuing on. There is so much more to life than we know and I love every minute of it. She has taught me so much with art and music and I thank her every day.What follows is my first published work. I want to introduce myself. My name is Jordan Cable and this is my story. In the 28 years of my life, I've always had thoughts in my head - stories that I wanted to put into word but I never really could. I didn't have the time nor did I attempt to make time.Until now.Since I was little, I drew comics but I couldn't animate my characters like they were in my head. That is when I realized I wanted to write stories - literally make books. I just didn't have the medium. It was when I discovered Wattpad that I finally realized my dream came true.I've been an active member of this community for almost a year now but I used it to read interesting stories from interesting authors. I am now taking the time to write my first story, Doppelganger. I will be actively adding content as time continues on and I hope you enjoy my first work.Please feel free to add suggestions or comments. This is my first work, as I've said, and I want the community's involvement if you want. Give me positive and negative feedback. If there are any writing issues or anything, please let me know.This story is loosely based on my life. My experiences with the paranormal and the unknown when I was in my late teenage years. My struggles with mental health and feeling disconnected with the world. My encounter with an entity who I truly believe was my own real doppelganger. The story itself is a work of fiction but the similarities between the characters are based on my own real life connections.I thank you and I hope you enjoy.Jordan Cable06/26/2014

Edit: 12/09/2021 — I have come to publish my stories on Medium. While originally published on Wattpad during 2013, I feel Medium would be a better suited website. I have corrected all grammatical errors and toned down the characters, stories, and language to be more accepting and professional. I was younger then and had a pretty care-free attitude. Now that i’m more of an adult and mature, I will continue the story going forward.

